Wednesday 20 January 2010

Does Rapid Weight Loss From Medifast Cause Loose Or Excess Skin? I'll Tell You

I sometimes get emails from folks who would very much like to have dramatic and rapid weight loss on the Medifast diet, but they're quite concerned about the sagging, hanging, loose, or excess skin which they suspect will inevitably follow. One reader wrote to me and said: "I'm not sure what good losing all the weight would do if I had this girdle of sagging skin all over my body. I'm almost afraid that this would look worse than how I look right now and I don't want to have to go through surgery to get rid of it." I'll tell you how I responded to this email in the following article.
Rapid And Dramatic Weight Loss From Medifast Followed By Excess Skin: My Experience: It's pretty common knowledge that some people do have issues with excess skin after losing a large amount of weight quickly. I strongly suspected that this would be an issue for me, but I still felt that it was better to deal with this than to remain overweight. I braced myself for this unsightly overhang and I wasn't surprised when I began to see it after losing about 40 pounds on Medifast. I researched everything that I could get my hands on to decide how to best deal with it. And, I even went and saw a plastic surgeon who assured me that he could easily fix the problem. Still, I knew that their were always risks with surgery, and with children, I just was not willing to risk this for vanity. I wanted to lose the weight for my health, energy levels and self esteem, but I wasn't going to take any unnecessary risks and I decided to try to deal with the skin issue naturally.
I found a couple of articles which maintained that the sagging skin is really the result of losing muscle while you are losing fat. Basically, you are dropping so much weight very quickly that your body is not making any distinction between the fat and muscle. And, it is quite possible to be thin but to still have way too much fat. This is why you can sometimes see even thin people with sagging skin as well.
I also read that you can non surgically tighten this skin up by changing up your body composition. Only losing weight is not enough. You must also maintain or gain muscle mass if you want to avoid or to tighten up that loose skin. I had been power walking through out my Medifast weight loss and this did help me to get faster results, but it did not give me the lean and long lines that I really wanted. So, I started out with resistance bands, saw pretty decent results and eventually moved on to free weights. The results continued to improve and eventually I got a very small and inexpensive weight bench. My goal was about 10% of body fat because my research had indicated that this is what is necessary to get rid of that loose skin. I have not yet reached that level, but I can tell you that I continue to see improvement as I get closer to this goal.
Do I wish that I had no excess skin? Absolutely. But, I continue to improve and I look so much better than I did before. Even form fitting or snug clothing now looks great and I would never ever put that weight back on just to avoid the hanging skin. I'm pretty confident that if I can get to 10% body fat, I'll be quite content with the results. My skin sag is not so bad that I can't wear a bathing suit (and I would've never worn a bathing suit at my highest weight), and frankly I'm just grateful that I have this option.
Lindsey Price has lost over 80 pounds on Medifast. Her Medifast Review Website features inspiration, motivation, videos, tips, coupons, information and products related to success on this diet. She also offers a free ebook ("Getting The Most Out Of Medifast") to help you get started. You can get a free copy of the ebook at
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