Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Medifast Weight Loss - Is 20 Pounds in 30 Days Realistic?

You may have seen the new medifast ads that claim you can lose "20 pounds in 30 days with medifast." A lot of people that I know think this is completely impossible and unrealistic. If you think about it, that's about five pounds per week. Still, most people I talk to feel that is an unattainable number.
However, I hang out with a core group of people on medifast, so I know that this is not as unrealistic as it may seem. If you check around online, you'll likely find that these results are not necessarily rare. I'm not saying everyone hits or can obtain this goal, because that's not the case. But, many people do. I have done it a few times in the past and have lost 80 pounds overall. No, I did not have a 20 pound weight loss every month, but I hit this goal a few times and I certainly welcome the 10 plus pound monthly weight loss that is typical for me. It all adds up very quickly.
What is required for these twenty pounds is staying religiously on the plan and adding in exercise. The high protein / low carbs in the diet puts your body in ketosis so its burning it's own fat. This will help your metabolism tremendously already, but as soon as you add even a little bit of exercise or movement, you're going to improve your results. I suppose some lucky soul could have had the 20 pound loss with out exercise, but I'd bet that is very rare.
In my personal experience, when I do not exercise, I am consistently in the 2 plus pound monthly week weight loss range. When I do, I'm closer to 3-5 pounds per week and am in a better mood. I don't do anything strenuous. I just power walk with a weight vest along side my daughter as she rides her bike. Sometimes I use elastic bands as well and just these few things have really helped.
What is really comes down to is eating less calories and carbs (the diet will take care of this) and moving a little bit more than you have in the past (this is up to you, but you can make this enjoyable by just intensifying or stepping up the activities you already enjoy.) Don't get discouraged by the addition of exercise. It doesn't need to be anything overly strenuous. It just needs to be consistent. Honestly, after a few weeks your body starts to crave it and because you'll likely be seeing positive results, exercise will suddenly become a welcome activity rather than a dreaded one.
Lindsey Price is the author of the ebook "Getting The Most Out Of Medifast," which includes tips, motivation and a two week free coupon. Get your free copy here or you can visit her diet review website at
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